Take That Plank, Scratch It, Reverse It

We spend so much time doing planks, but how often do you do a reverse plank? Reverse planks require a lot of core and glute activation to be done properly. So let’s chat about it!

How to get into reverse plank: sit down on the floor with your hands slightly behind your shoulders, fingers pointed towards your feet. Lift your hips up while driving into your heels, and drive up into your shoulders, keeping your shoulders back. Sounds simple, right? If you hold this position properly, you will definitely feel it in your glutes-keep them squeezed and your hips UP. Remember that there is no need to overextend into the position; keep a nice straight line from your heels up through your shoulders. And check yer head! Keep your head in neutral spine, not tilting back or looking down at your feet.

What to do if…

…you feel pain in your lower back:

Chances are you are sinking into your hips. Come down, reset and try again. You may only be able to hold this position for a few seconds at a time at first. Keep working on it!

…this move tweaks your wrists:

You can do this position on your elbows. All other cues apply.

…you need a modification:

Table top position is a nice modification if you’re not quite ready for this move. The concept is the same, just your knees are bend. Think about creating a flat table, with your shoulders up, your hips up, and you create a nice flat line between your knees and your shoulders.

Want to actually see it? Check out the video below!

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